Herzlich Willkommen bei HeartHeat

Entdecken Sie Designerkerzen und Dekoartikel aus Liebe zur Schönheit hand gemacht. Von rustikal bis modern, wir bieten eine Vielfalt an Designs.

A decorative arrangement is placed against a textured wall, featuring a mix of dried and fresh leaves, various candles in different sizes and colors including red, white, and green, and a rustic candle holder. A round arrangement of red candles is set on a platter adorned with greenery and small decorative elements. The scene combines natural elements with crafted decorations, giving an eclectic and cozy appearance.
A decorative arrangement is placed against a textured wall, featuring a mix of dried and fresh leaves, various candles in different sizes and colors including red, white, and green, and a rustic candle holder. A round arrangement of red candles is set on a platter adorned with greenery and small decorative elements. The scene combines natural elements with crafted decorations, giving an eclectic and cozy appearance.

Unsere Galerie

Entdecken Sie unsere handgemachten Kerzen und einzigartigen Dekoartikel.

A single lit candle is placed in the center of a decorative arrangement with natural elements such as pine cones and twigs. The candle emits a warm, glowing light, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere. Wooden star ornaments are visible around the arrangement, enhancing the festive and rustic aesthetic.
A single lit candle is placed in the center of a decorative arrangement with natural elements such as pine cones and twigs. The candle emits a warm, glowing light, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere. Wooden star ornaments are visible around the arrangement, enhancing the festive and rustic aesthetic.
A candle with the label 'Clare Makes' is placed on a piece of wood. Surrounding it are dried flowers in a white polka dot cup and a brown glass vase. A soft brown fabric drapes around the setting, creating a cozy, natural aesthetic.
A candle with the label 'Clare Makes' is placed on a piece of wood. Surrounding it are dried flowers in a white polka dot cup and a brown glass vase. A soft brown fabric drapes around the setting, creating a cozy, natural aesthetic.
Two white candles are placed on a soft, textured surface. One of the candles has a smooth top with a wooden wick and small dried flowers. The other candle contains heart-shaped designs. Delicate white dried flowers and ferns are scattered around them, creating an elegant and serene composition.
Two white candles are placed on a soft, textured surface. One of the candles has a smooth top with a wooden wick and small dried flowers. The other candle contains heart-shaped designs. Delicate white dried flowers and ferns are scattered around them, creating an elegant and serene composition.
A set of decorative white candles shaped like stars and other festive forms are arranged on a brown surface. Two glossy red ornaments accompany the candles, adding a vibrant contrast to the scene.
A set of decorative white candles shaped like stars and other festive forms are arranged on a brown surface. Two glossy red ornaments accompany the candles, adding a vibrant contrast to the scene.
Candles are lit and placed on a surface, with a soft, warm glow illuminating the area. The background includes various decorative objects, including cone-shaped ornaments and a red and white patterned item, possibly fabric or knitwear.
Candles are lit and placed on a surface, with a soft, warm glow illuminating the area. The background includes various decorative objects, including cone-shaped ornaments and a red and white patterned item, possibly fabric or knitwear.
A flatlay of two round candles, one white and one dark orange, each with a face in relief on their surface. They rest on brown paper sprinkled with tiny glitter specks. Below the candles is a red and white mitten ornament with a small string attached.
A flatlay of two round candles, one white and one dark orange, each with a face in relief on their surface. They rest on brown paper sprinkled with tiny glitter specks. Below the candles is a red and white mitten ornament with a small string attached.

Über uns

Willkommen bei unserem Kleinunternehmen, das sich der Kunst der handgefertigten, Kerzendesigns und Dekoartikel verschrieben hat! Unsere Reise begann in einer kleinen, gemütlichen Küche, wo die Leidenschaft für das Handwerk und die Liebe zur Natur aufeinandertrafen. Was einst als kreatives Hobby begann, entwickelte sich schnell zu einer Herzensangelegenheit, die wir mit der Welt teilen wollten.

Inspiration fanden wir in den einfachen Dingen des Lebens – dem warmen Licht einer Kerze, dem Duft von ätherischen Ölen und der Schönheit von natürlichen Materialien. Mit viel Freude und Hingabe experimentierten wir mit verschiedenen Wachsen, Farben und Formen, um einzigartige Produkte zu schaffen, die nicht nur schön anzusehen sind, sondern auch verschiedene Düfte in den Raum ausstrahlt. Wir geben unser Bestes natürliche Rohstoffe, wie Soja- und Rapswachse, zu verwenden, sowie ungiftige Farben und Düfte. Leider gibt es nicht immer annehmbare Alternativen im Vergleich zu den herkömmlichen Rohstoffen.

Jedes Stück, das wir herstellen, wird mit Liebe und Sorgfalt in Handarbeit gefertigt. Wir glauben daran, dass die besten Dinge im Leben mit Hingabe und Kreativität entstehen. Unsere Kollektion umfasst nicht nur eine Vielzahl von Kerzen, sondern auch liebevoll gestaltete Dekoartikel, die jedem Raum eine besondere Note verleihen. Ob für festliche Anlässe oder einfach für den Alltag – unsere Produkte schaffen eine warme und einladende Atmosphäre.

Wir sind stolz darauf, ein kleines Unternehmen zu sein, das Wert auf besonderes Design und Qualität legt. Durch unsere handgefertigten Produkte möchten wir nicht nur Ihr Zuhause verschönern, sondern auch ein Bewusstsein für handgefertigte Produkte. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine unserer Kerzen anzünden oder einen unserer Dekoartikel verwenden, tragen Sie dazu bei, die Welt ein Stück schöner zu machen.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie Teil unserer Reise sind! Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen mit unseren Produkten Freude Licht und Schönheit in Ihr Zuhause zu bringen.

Three decorative candle holders with floral patterns and swirling designs sit in a dimly lit environment. The glow of the candlelight creates a warm and intimate ambiance.
Three decorative candle holders with floral patterns and swirling designs sit in a dimly lit environment. The glow of the candlelight creates a warm and intimate ambiance.
Rustikale Kerzen

Für jeden Kerzenliebhaber, einzigartig und nachhaltig gestaltet.

A neatly arranged collection of scented candles in glass jars, each featuring distinct labels with intricate lettering. The candles are placed on a metal rack, with varied wax colors ranging from white to light yellow and pale orange. The setting is indoors, with a blurred background providing a warm ambiance.
A neatly arranged collection of scented candles in glass jars, each featuring distinct labels with intricate lettering. The candles are placed on a metal rack, with varied wax colors ranging from white to light yellow and pale orange. The setting is indoors, with a blurred background providing a warm ambiance.
A glass candle holder containing a white candle is adorned with star anise and cinnamon sticks. The scene features a frosted pine cone, red Christmas ornaments, a green pine branch, and string lights, all placed on a white and beige fuzzy surface.
A glass candle holder containing a white candle is adorned with star anise and cinnamon sticks. The scene features a frosted pine cone, red Christmas ornaments, a green pine branch, and string lights, all placed on a white and beige fuzzy surface.
A square, cream-colored candle in a dark container sits on a wooden surface surrounded by dried leaves. A gold, angular object and a small pine cone piece are present nearby. The arrangement is decorated with a dark pen or stick, creating a rustic and natural atmosphere.
A square, cream-colored candle in a dark container sits on a wooden surface surrounded by dried leaves. A gold, angular object and a small pine cone piece are present nearby. The arrangement is decorated with a dark pen or stick, creating a rustic and natural atmosphere.
Moderne Designs

Luxuskerzen für besondere Anlässe und stilvolle Dekoration.